Jan 25, 2012

Linaro development on Fedora

Linaro currently mostly works on Ubuntu as its guideline. Here is some tips, not so much, for working on Fedora with Linaro

Follow this https://wiki.linaro.org/Platform/Android/Toolchain if you're working with Android

or a build from scratch https://wiki.linaro.org/WorkingGroups/ToolChain/Using/GCCNative

Or this https://wiki.linaro.org/WorkingGroups/ToolChain/Using/CrosstoolNg if you want a stand-alone toolchain that can be worked on other platform

Then you can use the toolchain to build the kernel, rootfs i.e. http://www.linaro.org/linaro-blog/2011/09/15/building-a-linaro-android-build-from-source/

Why don't we integrate it into Yocto or buildroot? Hmmm...

BTW, the linaro-image-tools didn't work with Python 2.5 ;-(

1 comment:

Catty said...

It works on Ubuntu? Strange... Well, thanks for the info!
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