Sep 8, 2008

Knowledge Sharing in Software Development

Have you ever tried the Wiki for knowledge sharing in project? Have you recognized the value of knowledge sharing?

I know some of you tend to resist sharing your knowledge with the rest of the organization, some of you don’t know what to write, it’s because of the system and blah blah blah. Just stop blaming on the system, we should change our mindset and our behavior in using the tools.

Here is some practices for sharing
  • Knowledge is from project.
  • Each project must have trouble, issue, development tips & tricks, environment setup, this is the knowledge – (as I have seen in some projects, the development environment is kept inside developer’s mind, when newcomer come to the project, at least 1 dev will sit with him for setting up the environment)
  • We’re not master, but when facing the problem we should be, this is where knowledge come from.
  • You’re in the project so it definitely that you’ll have some knowledge to share otherwise you look like a “chess man” in project.

Will you try out the Wiki? Some wiki you might be interested in

1 comment:

Keshav Ram Narla said...

TiddlyWiki is also becoming quite popular.

It appears to be an easy way to manage/update wiki's

About TiddlyWiki – Articles